posted by mtpastille on February 9, 2012 | 3 comments
As I'm listening to these podcasts (great job, by the way!), I find that I compulsively try to imagine what Brendan and Echo look like. It would be cool if there was a photo lying around somewhere so that we listeners can know who we're listening to. 可以吗? (And is that the proper expression to use here?)
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trevelyan on February 9, 2012 | reply
If you search for Echo Yao and Brendan O'Kane in Google Images you can find quite a few shots. That said, here's a pretty recent group photo from when pefferie came up to see us from Shanghai.

There are more photos of the team in our Facebook Group as well, if you're curious about our voice acting team too.
mtpastille on February 10, 2012 | reply
Thanks! :)
murrayjames on February 9, 2012 | reply
Love the 胳膊 patch!