posted by lyndahwasike712 on January 26, 2018 | 11 comments
我是琳达老师。英文的 老师。我是肯尼亚人。我可以会一点中文。三级的学生 因为我学习了中文在孔子学院。我要一个好朋友教我中文然后我教他 还是她 英文。我的国家(肯尼亚)有很多中国人 但是中文的翻译人没有。请问,谁可以帮忙我?我们可以用skype 还是微信。我的微信号:abucudu2000.谢谢你们。
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296617204 on January 28, 2018 | reply
i am a college student who is preparing for the exam of international Chinese teacher. The exam is held by 孔子学院. I think we can help each other. I hope to become a professional Chinese teacher. but not now..... on January 27, 2019 | reply