posted by greenbocai on April 10, 2011 | 2 comments
I see that if I click on a word in the "text" portion of a lesson or in "chinese news" it's added to my vocabulary and my flashcards, but when I click on words in "chinese dictionary" or "chinese converter" they are not added. I would like to be able to add those as well. Am I missing sth or is this feature unavailable? (I'm using Chrome browser)
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trevelyan on April 11, 2011 | reply

It should have been working for News in Chinese (tested it and it was working for me) but -- you're right -- it wasn't setup for our converter. I've just implemented that and tested to make sure it works, so if you annotate anything you should be able to click-to-add the vocab now.

I use Firefox instead of Chrome for now, but if this doesn't work for you let me know and I'll look into the problem. That said, as mentioned on Popup Cantonese, we're working on getting the next version of the system out and are trying to put the big improvements into it. If you have any other suggestions on usability this is a GREAT time for us to hear it though.



greenbocai on April 11, 2011 | reply
Yes, it was working for News in Chinese for me (i guess my post wasn't completely clear) I was just trying to get that done in converter so I could add vocab from outside texts, and now that is working, too - thanks for adding that capability! Working in both Firefox and Chrome.