posted by blinute on February 22, 2011 | 2 comments
Hi, could someone please explain a little about the 特码玄机诗? What is it meant for and who writes the verses?

I found the verse "游山玩水得佳人 二七争开九得利" in my calendar and I do understand the characters but I have no idea what they mean all together? I would be really grateful if someone would explain what that is all about or at least gave me a link to read more about it, the link can be Chinese too.

Thank you!
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Echo on February 23, 2011 | reply


starwars120 on July 26, 2011 | reply
这是一种诗体,类似灯谜,一般这种诗都有隐藏的意思在里面,目前好像运用在彩票上面。比如您提到的“游山玩水得佳人 二七争开九得利” 就是指代十二生肖中的某种动物,老实的说,我以前从来没有接触过这种东西,经过一些查找建议不要放过多的经历在这上面,意义不是很大的。如果想了解更多可以看看下面这个链接
