posted by lhrkll on August 19, 2014 | 5 comments
The internet has failed today because it can't provide an explanation for what PK stands for. Any ideas? Thanks! :)
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iaing on August 19, 2014 | reply
Chinese internet slang is full of English acronyms that aren't used a lot by English speakers. MV, PK, PS etc. PK normally means player killer in online gaming forums and on tv shows in Chinese, and often refers to a round, or game, where contestants are playing off against each other. In the case of this sentence, it is less clear, but I guess it is "playing off" imported versus domestic milk (comparing the two).
lhrkll on August 19, 2014 | reply
Great, thanks very much. I asked a friend and she said what you said, that PK is player killer. It makes sense in the context, too. I thought it was referring to some kind of tetra pack milk. I was way off!
Grace Qi on August 26, 2014 | reply

Yeah. PK is player killer and usually it's "A" PK "B". So I'm guessing if "进口牛奶PK" is the sentence, then it also makes sense - competition among 进口牛奶, to see which one is the best:)