posted by samuelcarver99 on May 11, 2014 | 3 comments

I'm seriously enjoying the site and your podcasts are brilliant. I'm looking for some Chinese (story) books I can order of the internet to read on my commute. Im HSK level 4 standard, so maybe even kids books or something. What would you suggest?


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Grace Qi on May 13, 2014 | reply

几米作品:“森林畅游“、”月亮不见了”;“爱的教育” is always good to read; "中国寓言故事精选"by 曹文轩;"三毛流浪记“by 张乐平; “三寄小读者” by 冰心;“皮皮鲁传”by 郑渊洁...They are all really good books, you might come across certain new words but the contexts will help you better understand and learn more:)
trevelyan on May 13, 2014 | reply
I'd suggest skipping 三毛流浪记 but would also recommend 几米. He is a Taiwanese writer whose "Paradise Lost" (失乐园) series is excellent. Falls into the category of books that are ostensibly written for children, but are worth reading by adults.

Not sure where one can buy them abroad, but they're gorgeously animated and the entire set of five is a steal for 14 bucks or so for anyone in China:

oyamakuma on May 23, 2014 | reply
If you would like some reading on chinese culture, etc. A nice website is