posted by user65480 on January 9, 2014 | 5 comments
Hi, guys,I really want to try to learn some Chinese. I have already been to China and will need to go there soon again.I checked the website, the "Chinese Lessons","Study Center" but, sorry, could not figure it our where and how the Beginner can start the very first lesson, like we say in US, from the scratch.It's like you come to the class and the teacher gives you the first lesson and the first homes work in a foreign language.Taking into the account that I used to learned 3 foreign languages before and I am very familiar how foreign languages are taught in general. Help is appreciated.
@user65480,Start by listening to these lessons in any order. Goal should be to maximize Chinese language input, while dealing with usable chunks: individual phonetics of specific characters, there are audio recordings here, navigable by the pinyin chart:'t worry too much about the study center until you know the most common words and phrases and are more comfortable with the sounds of the language.Best,--david
ismailibrahim796 on January 16, 2014 | reply
Mmmm! I am a new student too, but we can help eachother have my email that we can be friend ( level one is seemend to be easy
ismailibrahim796 on January 16, 2014 | reply
I can provide yoy with some audio and visual media to help you