posted by paglino9 on March 15, 2010 | 0 comments
Over the weekend, Popup Chinese was in attendance to witness the first ever Beijing 极速PK event held at 方家胡同.

But what is 极速PK? 极速PK is a fun indoor bicycle event where 2 competitors on bikes attached to stationary rollers race each other in front of a cheering crowd. Typically a race last only 30 seconds and the winner is the rider that covers the set distance (in this instance 300m) the quickest. The progress of the race is projected on the big screen so the crowd can get behind its favorite rider.

Not only was Popup Chinese in attendace, but a Popup Chinese representative (myself) competed in the festivities placing 4th (losing in the semifinals to the person who would go on to win the competition). Not only were winners greeted with applause and admiration, but also beautiful Popup Chinese T-shirt to commemorate their hard efforts.

Pictures from the event can be seen here.

If you ask if there were any lessons learned from the evening it would be this. "Take it easy on the Tsingtao's before hopping on the saddle"

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