posted by murrayjames on November 15, 2012 | 1 comments
I see this a lot in China. Someone forgets how to write a character and asks his friends for help. Or, a Chinese person explains his rare surname to someone he's just met. This conversation happens so quickly I usually can't follow it. I know some of the vocab(木字旁、点、撇、宝盖头、左边、右边)but not enough to keep up.

Could you guys do an intermediate or advanced lesson on how to talk about writing Chinese characters?
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trevelyan on November 15, 2012 | reply

Thanks for the suggestion. We actually had a dialogue covering something like this at the beginning level, but didn't publish it because it ended up being too specialized for someone just starting out. It's a good idea to try and reframe something like this at a higher level though -- we'll see what we can do the next time we have a dialogue recording session.

