With fears inflated by a few carefully placed rumors, the local populace was wise enough to stay away from the dig site, rightly fearing what might surface in a place which had lain buried for so long in the sands outside Cairo. And yet this same caution did not apply to the members of the excavation team, of whom no-one could predict which way their loyalties would bend once the tomb was opened and its treasures revealed once more to a waiting world.

Learning Chinese? Our Intermediate lesson for today features a dialogue straight out of an Indiana Jones archeological adventure. And as is fitting for such a topic, we spend a bit of time in this podcast stretching beyond simple language learning and look instead at the subtle and often collaborative process through which Chinese screenplays turn into Chinese films.
 said on
April 4, 2012
 said on
April 4, 2012



 said on
April 4, 2012

Something not a lot of people know about me is that I come from a parallel universe in which Hešen was a eunuch. (Our timelines are otherwise identical.) Here on Earth 1, however, he was not: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/90914166.