We know what you're thinking: how did I ever get to such an advanced level in Chinese without learning the words for narcolepsy or hangglider? This is admittedly an oversight on your part, but it's also one no-one need ever know about. Unlike many of our other advanced podcasts, today's lesson is built around a dialogue. And this dialogue will drill these words so deeply into your inner cortex you'll forget there was ever a day you weren't comfortable talking about neural disorders and extreme sports in Chinese.
 said on
April 27, 2010
Nice dialogue. Enjoyed this one.
 said on
April 29, 2010
I'm having trouble downloading the pdf for this one....
 said on
April 29, 2010

Thanks for the catch. The problem should be fixed.


 said on
May 4, 2010
 said on
May 4, 2010

Can you describe the problem in a bit more detail? Are you having trouble downloading (which file?) from this page, or accessing them through iTunes or your custom RSS feed? I've just double checked the files local to our server and everything seems to be working fine on this end.

Be helpful to get more details if you can share them.


 said on
May 5, 2010

 said on
May 5, 2010



 said on
May 8, 2010
太好了! 我刚发现了这个popupchinese网站。我很兴奋多看一下。这个课文很好玩儿。
 said on
May 10, 2010

嗨,你好! 欢迎你加入泡泡中文的大家庭,加油!



 said on
September 20, 2015
very funny one! Great work to really keep this "special vocab"