Did you ever thumb through a fresh copy of City Weekend and wonder why the Readers' Choice Award for Creepiest Park in Beijing has been awarded to Jingshan Park every year since the mid-1660s? In this episode, Megan squares off with returning champion Zhiqiang to answer this as well as questions on rehab and earth's diminishing dolphin population. Normally, Megan and Joakeem are trapped in a discussion on how to define their relationship but during Quiz Night this week they stay off that topic for 16 uninterrupted minutes of bliss.

Learning Chinese? The Popup Chinese Quiz Night is easy-to-digest mixed-language edutainment for intermediate learners. Our goal is offering up stimulating high-level vocabulary that can help you hone your listening comprehension and vocab while havng fun, or at least enjoying the warm feeling of knowing that your Chinese is better than that of the Swedish guy who is hosting the show.
 said on
July 30, 2014
Fun episode. I wasn't a huge fan at first but I'm slowly warming up to the quiz nights. Just a suggestion - I think it'd be cool to do a little small talk or banter with the contestants before getting into the quiz. Alot of real games shows usually have a short 'get to know the contestants' section and it would be fun if you did the same. As someone from North America I'm always curious what english speakers are doing in Beijing or hearing some thoughts from everyday Beijingers. Sorry don't mean to be too nosy but just interested in some casual talk.

Keep up the awesome work.