When the definitive history of Hong Kong science fiction is finally compiled, we believe there will be one man whose films will soar above those of his contemporaries like a robotic policeman on a computer-generated hoverbike. We speak of course of the incomparable Andy Lau, whose masterpiece "Future X-Cops" is hands down the best Hong Kong science fiction film we have seen in the last few months, if not the last year.

While we know that some of you old-timers at Popup Chinese might be dubious about this claim, to you skeptics we have two simple requests: first, prepare for this podcast by getting some popcorn and plunking down to watch the movie trailer we've linked to above; second, keep an open mind throughout this podcast as Echo talks about how delightful Andy Lau made her last birthday and in which a few other points of interest are made for the sake of including some educational content.
 said on
December 16, 2010
 said on
December 17, 2010
@Big Cow,




 said on
December 22, 2010
Ohh it was painful. Got stuck watching this one on an express bus from Kunming. It is stretching it when the main villain has an unstoppable steel crab claw.

Nice grammar point btw.
 said on
December 22, 2010
I haven't watched the trailer, but from your description and the picture, I feel like I'm looking at a shanzhai Tron. Is that about right? :D

As I write, I am watching my first Andy Lau movie: 天下无贼 / A World Without Thieves.
 said on
December 22, 2010
This is off topic, but...

I was talking to my friend the other day and we decided we have a desperate need to get rid of people. Not in the mafia way--just how does one politely tell someone annoying that "you can't come with me, please stop following me," "you can't come along, you're just not cool." In English I often result to shrewd lies that discourage companionship, like "I'm going to go wave a gun in front of the White House," "I'm going to a swingers party for senior-citizens," "I'm going to the DMV."

Is there anything that would discourage Chinese person? Politely dissuade without loss of face? I realize this is as much a social question as a language question, but ya'll are quite clever. 加油。
 said on
December 23, 2010

天下无贼 is actually alright. He didn't try to pretend he's a 20 years old 帅哥 in it at least....


 said on
December 23, 2010
@Big Cow,

Haha, in China, we usually say "不好意思,我还有事,我们改天再聚 or 我们改天再聊“. If you want to refuse people politely, you can say "改天吧" as well.


 said on
December 23, 2010


对了,@Echo 老师,生日快乐!
 said on
December 25, 2010
@Xiao Hu,

我真不知道我们这儿的人怎么总是站在Echo那边!未来警察的预告片确实有点儿荒唐,不过刘德华每年好像拍四五个片子,肯定有几个会差点儿。说实话,我喜欢他的原因就是因为我刚到中国的时候,看了两个他的黄金时代的杰作:Needing You 还有 Cat and Mouse. 都非常好。Needing You 有点儿像 Working Girl. Cat and Mouse 也有张柏芝,所以没有男人能抗议。建议你快去音响店找!: )


 said on
December 25, 2010





 said on
December 25, 2010
@Xiao Hu,

谢谢你们大家为我申张正义,哈哈!太感动了,谢谢 :)



 said on
December 26, 2010



 said on
December 27, 2010
@Xiao Hu,




