posted by doclkk on May 5, 2015 | 11 comments
You guys run a good program. Was wondering, do you guys need donations? How are you guys funded? Do you have a kickstarter campaign or some sort of pledge goal?

I'd like to contribute in the upcoming months.
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trevelyan on May 6, 2015 | reply
We support ourselves with subscriptions from people who have far too much money and/or just want to keep a good thing going. On the off-chance this describes you, please do subscribe:

That said, it isn't necessary to support us if you are struggling to get by. As silly as it sounds, I think the Beijing expat community has really shaped the way we think about what is meaningful in life, particularly in the idea that it is far better to be useful/honest than rich.

I think maybe in 20 years people might pay attention to what we do from the pedagogical perspective. But in the meantime, the only thing that matters is whether people find our stuff useful. All support does is make it easier/harder to produce the sorts of materials we want to produce.


rjcaste on July 6, 2015 | reply
I hope you guys don't go away... That would be really sad.

I think I'm going to subscribe so I can support.