posted by LS701 on October 31, 2014 | 6 comments
I understand it is a type of tree. Or is it?

It pops up a lot in Chinese art and literature.
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zghuaihaizi on November 4, 2014 | reply
It seems like a Chinese name...
583480035 on January 27, 2015 | reply
it seems like a chinese name, or a korean name in chinese ,or a japanese name inchinese... japanese usually use 树 as their name,but seldom chinese will do that, unless they are writing a novel so they need a uncommon name sometimes.
leiminghai on February 2, 2015 | reply
I think it is a name, both Chinese and Japanese Kanji, or a translition of Korean.
lumosnox on March 21, 2015 | reply
In art and literature, I think 嘉 means nice/beautiful, and 嘉树 refers to any kind of trees that looks beautiful or makes people feel good.
Grace Qi on March 27, 2015 | reply

嘉树 has two meanings:

1. Beautiful/nice trees. and yes, it appears quite often in Chinese art and literature (Ancient articles, poems etc.)

2. It's a type of vegetables - originally from an ancient book called"吕氏春秋 本味"lv3 shi4 chun1 qiu1 ben3 wei4. saying it's a type of green vegetables (Don't know if it still exits today)

Also 嘉树 is the name of a county in Hunan province.

Hope it helps out.